Tattersalls Golfing Members and guests gathered in the dining room for the annual Golf sub club Christmas lunch to enjoy great food, greater company and the sensational efforts of the Victor Audette Shield winner Martin Karafilis.
This year we completed all four scheduled Golf days. It was a wet start as La Nina was in full swing and courses around the city were very soggy across multiple weeks. The Victor Audette Shield is awarded to the best three scores out of the four rounds played during the year, including spectacular courses such as St Michael’s, Elanora, The Australian and NSW. With the Shield being first presented in 1933 and played annually up to and including 1938 (suspended due to WWII) it is Club’s tradition.
The presentation was conducted in packed dining recently, the winner of the Shield and place-getter of 2022 were as follows:
1st – Martin Karafilis (105 points)
2nd – Scot Menzies (102 points)
3rd – Graham White (92 points)
Congratulations to all winners across the year and to all members and guests for making it another successful year on the course.
Dates for our 2023 Golf days are being finalised and will be in published in the January newsletter. A sneak peek to our first Golf Day we will be heading to one of the courses that will be hosting the 2023 Australian Open.
I encourage all Members who enjoy a game of golf to contact Jared and join our sub club and play in some or all our events at [email protected].
Wishing all golfers and non-golfers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!