A wise man once said “all you need to do to be successful is keep showing up”, our May AD MOTM goes the extra mile every time to do this and much more.
Grace Aulakh takes every day in her stride and owns it. Starting the week off strong Grace hasn’t missed a Monday spin class and is always front and centre of the peloton.
Tuesdays see Grace taking on the Circuit Class and her own weights routine, always seen encouraging others around her, and she makes sure that everyone is enjoying the training as much as her.
Wednesdays you will see Grace taking on the running club and leading from the front for the duration of the run, while still managing to take excellent group photos!
Thursdays Grace uses her skills and expertise that she has refined over the last few years training completing her sets and structured weights routine and pushing herself beyond her limits.
Fridays she returns to Cycle fusion taking all the challenges set out by Trainer Malcolm and again working herself to exhaustion while still providing encouragement for everyone around.
Although we don’t quite know what exercise Grace gets up to over the weekend, we can guarantee (based on looking at her Strava) that she is out and about pushing herself.
So far the constant encouragement, the helping others out around her and for being so amazing and dedicated to her training, we are awarding Grace with our May AD Member of the Month.
Grace is now in the running for Sports Person of the Year 2022