When matching beer with food there is an extra tool at a cicerone’s disposal, the contrast. The word Cicerone (sis-uh-rohn) designates hospitality professionals with proven experience in selecting, acquiring, and serving today’s wide range of beers. Wine tends to retain the safe ground of cut & complement, leaving an undoubted advantage to experts of the hop and grain.
Our Grape vs Grain challenge welcomes two of the next-generation custodians of two successful multigenerational businesses. The Brown & Cooper families have both supported each other building businesses (133 & 160 years respectively) with exceptional produce and this is the opportunity to compete in friendly rivalry to determine whose matches are most worthy.
This will be a five-course degustation dinner with two matched beverages per course (one wine + one beer), and presentations from both the Cooper and Brown families. We will be joined by Catherine Brown from the Brown family and sixth-generation family member Andrew Cooper from the Coopers family.
After each course and tasting, we will ask our Members and the Guests to vote on their preference for the grape or for the grain and, at the conclusion of the evening, the ultimate winner will be crowned.
Our menu will be revealed on Thursday, seats are limited so don’t hesitate, Tickets are available for purchase for only $110 per person or $200 for a pair. So book yours now by contacting our events team at [email protected].
Click here for an insight into our special guests of a short piece produced for the 160th Anniversary of Coopers.