Join us at your Club 18:00 Thursday 13 October to enjoy good food, drinks and company while helping to raise funds for Oakvale Wildlife Park.
The company of this evening will be a little different though, as you’ll be joined by live koalas and other small mammals and get to meet their professional keepers from Oakvale Wildlife Park.
Unfortunately, an estimated 61,000 koalas and almost 143 million other native mammals were likely in the path of the Australian bushfires of late 2019 and early 2020. Beside bushfires, many of these animals are also affected by habitat destruction and other human-induced change.
Organisations like Oakvale Wildlife Park are at the forefront of conservation efforts to help reduce the negative impacts of these changes, and their recently-constructed koala breeding and education centre ‘Koala Country’ is testament to this.
Oakvale Wildlife Park is now in the process of upgrading its veterinary capabilities, and the Louis Koala Foundation will donate the profit raised from this event to donate directly to this cause.
Tickets are purchased via a $300 per person donation to the Louis Koala Foundation (BSB: 182 512; Account: 969 457 449) and include food, drinks, and the chance to meet our favourite furry friends.
All Members and their Guests are welcome. Please contact [email protected] to RSVP.