This month’s book has John Doyle delving into the humble beginnings of his alter ego “Rampaging” Roy Slaven. It is the story of the fictional Roy Slaven as an adolescent in 1967 growing up in Lithgow, NSW. It is often humorous, as would be expected. It is also very moving in parts as we read of the early life of the unsurpassable sporting icon while having filtered glimpses of John Doyle’s life.

Book Clubbers remarked that the book begins in a smart/edgy style but develops into a charming and moving description of growing up in a remote town, changing times, the role of women, autism and the Catholic Church. It triggered some memories of Catholic Education, leaner times and growing up. What could have been a ‘boys own’ romp, the book looks at the complexity of relationships in a town that has social stratification,  new music and (just in) TV!

Three-word summaries include “Amusing, Nostalgic, Reveal”, “Doyle Does Lithgow”, “Blissful, Bogan Biography” and “Sweet Lithgow Memories”.

John is coming to the Tattersalls Club next week on May 11 to talk about his book at a sold-out lunch, but enquiries to join our book club are always welcome and there might even be cancellations for the lunch.

Next up is “The Disappearance of Joseph Mengele” by Olivier Guez Tuesday 30thof May at the Club

To RSVP or join the book club please contact Camille at [email protected].