Tuesday 22 October at 07:15 in the Dining Room
Spring has sprung and this week it was a full house and a cracker of a session with a deep dive into a business followed up by a big session on the state of innovation and domestic politics that ended up discussing how to unpick the Gordian Knot that is property in Australia.
As always, the group was powered and caffeinated by our amazing front-of-house team with Cinzia leading the way on service.
To give you an idea of why members get value from the discussion (held under the Chatham House rule), here are some of the industries present this week:
Software, Planning, Accounting, Banking, Governance, Wealth, Coaching, Consulting, Strategy, Broadcasting, Imaging, Trading, Legal, Start-Ups
Why don’t you come along to the next Business Forum and see what the fuss is all about?!
07:15: Arrive for coffee orders
08:55: Finish – Get ready for your day
Our next topic will be Insurance.