Tuesday 15th March from 07:30 in the Club

Business Owners Forum (BOF) is a free business resource open to all Members who are business owners, looking to become one or just interested in business networking.

Meeting every six weeks for breakfast on a Tuesday, this is fast becoming a ‘can’t miss’ opportunity.

The next BOF meeting will be focusing on the future of work and how COVID is reshaping the future for businesses.

  • How can we plan for the future?
  • What do employees want?
  • What work can be done from home? What can’t?
  • Will young managers ever see a partner face to face again?
  • What work can be done from another country?
  • Should I renew my office lease?

There is no shortage of questions to throw onto the table, and we have the smartest group in Sydney to discuss the topics that matter to your business.

To RSVP pleace contact events@tattersallsclub.org