From Monday 12 to Friday 16 of August

Buon Ferragosto! Immerse yourself in a rich tapestry of flavours and culture. Experience the authentic Italian joy of wine, pasta, and the Giro di Italia, all brought to life by our dedicated Italian service team.

On August 15, we celebrate Ferragosto, a day commemorating the Assumption of the Virgin Mary into heaven in the Catholic tradition. Interestingly, this holiday held secular significance in Italy long before it adopted its religious meaning.

In ancient Roman times, Ferragosto was marked by exhilarating horse races. Today, the holiday beautifully blends Roman and Catholic traditions, marking the semi-official end of Italy’s summer vacation season.

In true Ferragosto spirit, Italians typically leave the city for a sumptuous family lunch. On the week of 15 August, the Club will bring you a touch of Italy in celebration.

Mark your calendars and keep an eye out for more updates and announcements.

To book a table, please email [email protected]