Tuesday 25 July From 07:15

Can we keep printing money? That was highlighted from our last BOF breakfast.

Even on a cold morning after a public holiday, a strong turnout betrayed the interest levels in the hot topics – Chips, Currency and Defence.

As usual, the Business Forum brought a range of perspectives to chew on, with comments from industry insiders and reflections on the lessons of history.

The big surprise was just how completely integrated these 3 seemingly disconnected sectors are. Advanced chips are made in Taiwan. New navy ships need them. Someone must pay for it all (or can we just keep printing money?).

Interested on the next Business Forum?

Our following topics are: Energy, Education, Fashion and Food

The conversation is under the Chatham House rule, lively, and you can apply the information you glean – but we don’t reveal who said what.


07:15: Welcome Coffee
07:30: Sharp start
08:55: Hard Finish

To join the Business Owners Forum or RSVP to the next meeting, please contact Camille at events@tattersallsclub.org.