Our January AD MOTM recently spent some time reflecting on his lifestyle.
It has been over 10 years since he was under 100 kilos, in the past 3 years he has battled near-crippling Sciatica pain, and he has worked in multiple time zones taking meetings from 5am till 11:30pm 6 days a week.
But the one thing that stood out the most while reflecting, was the knowledge that everything he was doing for his health needed to be done. Peter confessed he was at the age where if he didn’t change his lifestyle he wouldn’t be around much more.
With this at the forefront of his mind, Peter started making changes; instead of sitting down for his 30-minute lunch break he would walk a lap of George Street, instead of taking the escalator or lift Peter would opt for the stairs, between meetings if there was an opportunity to do some quick squats and push-ups he would take it.
Changing his nutritional habits was hard, with his Mediterranean background food is a major part of life, but by reducing his portion sizes and choosing lighter options, Peter started to see changes in all aspects of his life.
He was sleeping better, feeling stronger, and moving better, his back pain had gone and more importantly, he was feeling fantastic.
The number on the scales has reflected his amazing work, with last week ticking over the 15kg weight loss number and the first time seeing the number 9 as the front number on the scales in over a decade.
With momentum strong and determination stronger Peter has his sights set on hitting the 20kg loss mark by April and 25kg by June.
Reluctantly (and with some persuasion) Peter has also agreed to take part in the September Bridge Run, aiming to complete his first-ever 9km run.
We, along with Peter wanted to show all our members that it’s about progress rather than perfection. Making small lifestyle changes, once all applied together, can lead to some amazing results.
Congratulations on your journey so far Peter and for being January’s AD Member of the Month. Peter is now in the running for Sports Person of the Year. We look forward to checking in with you to see just how far you’ve come in the next few months.