Next Book Club: Tuesday 22 August from 17:30 via Zoom

Bill Bryson’s compendious “The Body” is one part textbook, one part history of medical discovery, one part amusing anecdote and one part ripping yarn.

The Book club enjoyed dipping into its 23 densely packed chapters. The Human Body was discussed in all its complexity, mystery, and strangeness, with Bryson keeping up a cracking pace with good-humoured observations and at times fascinating facts and figures.

The conclusion was that while you could not rely on it for medical advice, it was the perfect bedside table read.

The average book club rating was 7 out of 10. Three-word descriptions included “Wheeze, puff and hiccup”, “Exercise not Pills”, “Beware Medical Experimenters!”, “Mystery Still Abounds” and “Life’s a B____”. 

The Book club will next meet on Zoom on Tuesday 22  August from 17:30 to discuss Claire Keegan’s book, “Small Things Like These”.

To join the Book Club or RSVP to the next meeting as a member or guest please contact [email protected]