Over the past few years, we have all been sitting longer at our desks and staring more at our phones.

Our bodies are more than ever desperate for exercise and a balanced nutrition plan.

But sometimes the body needs a little more. We all know the magic that Jeanette possesses in her hands as our specialist on-site masseuse, but do you know about Jack and the amazing work he does/can do for our members?

Jack is a specialist chiropractor who uses a system of complementary medicine based on the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of misalignment of the joints.

Jack also uses dry needling techniques to help with pain and movement issues associated with myofascial trigger points.

Chiropractic sessions have been shown to help minimise migraines and neck-related headaches, improve posture, treat conditions such as osteoarthritis and improve range of movement in your spine and other joints.

At this stage of the year, Jack has limited availability specially for Tattersalls Members: Wednesday from 07:00 to 09:00 and then from 14:00 onwards on Wednesday afternoons. The sessions are held in the massage room.

To make an appointment, please email [email protected].