The Annual City to Surfers Robbo’s Ride is Australia’s premier long distance cycling event. Since its inception the ride has raised over $4m for Father Chris Riley’s Youth off the Streets.
We rode for seven consecutive days, approximately 1,000 kms in total averaging between 120km to 160km per day while at the same time consuming four meals a day, which didn’t provide enough calories to prevent a drop in weight and body fat. Very satisfying, particularly the last fact!
We stopped at seven regional towns along the way and enjoyed the support and hospitality of the various rural organisations such as the Rural Fire and Country Women’s Association to provide logistic support and very enjoyable comfort food.
The significant restrictions placed on the organisers by the Police meant that we were only able to use 20km of freeways along the way with the balance of 1,000km being on the Old Pacific Highway which meant we were continuously going up and over hills rather than through them.
There were approximately 80 riders in total, split into five pelotons with our peloton having 24 very experienced and fit riders.
The organisers require every rider to raise $3,000 in fundraising as part of our participation.
Cheers to all our members that joined!