Running season is officially upon us, with less than 5 weeks till the City to Surf and 10 weeks until the Blackmores running festival, it’s time to dust off the sneakers and limber up for the races.

For many runners, the desire to complete a race (like a marathon for example) is about personal challenge. You might want to test your limits or prove that you can go the distance. Perhaps a friend has talked you into it. Maybe you’d like to lose weight, get healthier or raise awareness for a charity.

Whatever your reason, you will need to prepare your body for such a challenge. Not only we are aiming to get the best results possible, but also, we want to do it safely and avoid any chance of injury.

The AD has gathered a couple of tips to assist any member who wishes to engage in such challenge, regardless if you’re a beginner or a more advance runner, everyone can benefit from this information.

  1. Base mileage. Build your weekly mileage over time, running three-to-five times per week. Start small and controlled and aim to increase over time.
  2. The long run. Do a long run every 7–10 days so your body can adjust gradually to long distances. The length of this run will change depending on what distance you’re aiming for on competition day.
  3. Speed work. Practice intervals and tempo runs to increase your cardio capacity. Engaging in high intensity classes will prove to be a great complement for your preparation.
  4. Weight training. Make sure to do weight training once or twice per week to make your body stronger to withstand the effort. We suggest full body training that prioritizes leg and core development.
  5. Rest and recovery. Adequate rest helps prevent injuries and mental burnout.

If you feel you need personalised support to keep a high level of training, book a PT session with us by emailing