By member Glenn Thompson
On Thursday 20 April, in “beautiful” conditions 23 members, including their guests, took part in the first golf day for the 2023 year at The Australian Golf Club.
With a shot-gun start at 8 am, the field all departed together, on the well presented but challenging layout. It was great to see most players being able to stay for an ale and the presentation after golf. Everyone was clearly happy to be back playing golf and socialising.
The winners on the day were as follows:
First: Thomas Gillis off a 3 handicap with 33 points
Second: Scott Menzies off a 20 handicap with 32 points
Third: Rain Wang off a handicap of 11 with 31 points
Longest Drive: Thomas Gillis
Nearest to the Pin: Sam Schuman by lucky dip (No-one was on the green)
We play 4 events during the year with the best 3 scores out of the 4 being used to determine the winner of the coveted Victor Audette Shield which can only be won by a member. The remaining events are Monday 5 June 2023 at The Lakes, 9.30 am hit off, Thursday 10 August 2023 at Concord, 8.30 am hit off and a date to be fixed in November 2023 1.30 pm hit off at NSW.
We will again hold our Christmas presentation lunch on a date to be fixed in December with all members and their guests invited and encouraged to attend.
I look forward to seeing everyone at our next golf day together with welcoming new members and guests.
To RSVP please contact Camille at or on 9263 9217