Thursday 13th May from 18:00

It surely is a time to celebrate. With the Club’s anniversary cancelled last year due to COVID and all Members missing out on much needed community and celebration, we are pleased to announce that this year’s celebration will be double the joy.

The timing, should there be no more COVID cases in NSW in the meantime, means that we will be able to stand once again at a cocktail style event- something we have dearly missed for over 12 months.

We are, however, still limited to the 2 square metre rule, so please RSVP quickly to confirm your place!

What there is to celebrate:
New Life Members from 2020 and 2021!
New Senior Members from 2020 and 2021!
New Members to Club from the past 18 months!
The fact that we are all here together and the Club continues to grow!

We look forward to celebrating with you.

More details to follow, but save the date or book your place early. Please email [email protected] or on 9263 9217.